Ray Shipman had some good times at Florida

By Adam Silverstein
April 15, 2010

Former Florida Gators guard Ray Shipman is leaving the program because of playing time. This is an issue that has never been disputed. And after speaking with a writer for The Independent Florida Alligator, it is also no question that Shipman had plenty of fun during his time at the University of Florida.

Shipman provided the student newspaper with a candid look at the sex life of a student-athlete, going into detail on how easy it was to pick up members of the opposite sex whether in person or on social networking Web sites like Facebook.

He claims he receives more than 60 female friend requests a day and sends messages to those who “fit the part.” Shipman also explains that, obviously, the majority are in it just for the chance to sleep with an athlete. “They do that intentionally,” he said.

Now in a relationship, he touched on the fact that there are a set of girls with reputations for being passed along from one player to another, especially the younger ones who are new to the school. “A lot of the older players show you around. If my teammate is with a girl and it’s not really serious, they end up switching to me,” Shipman said. “And now that I’m older, I introduce them to the new players. Some teammates of mine, some other athletes, they don’t really care. That’s not my type. That’s nasty. But some freshman [players], they’ll hop right on it.”

None of what Shipman told the Alligator is particularly shocking or surprising, but writer Michael Perrone did a good job of getting him to open up in detail about a subject that many athletes keep close to the chest.


  1. Mr2Bits says:

    Cliffs notes of my college years…tears

  2. OrangeHulk says:

    Good luck and good riddance. That was starting to look like a young Dan Werner!

  3. g8ter27 says:

    He cracks me up… oh and Dan (‘the man”) Warner was one of the ones who sent him some of his old girls. They probably liked his NBA potential…just like Ray.

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